…of girls from East.


Found by Vincent, bought and shipped for me by Gábor, here is a beauty that smells good friendship, thank you to both!

Keripar, Hungarian coffee machine Keripar, Hungarian coffee machine Keripar, Hungarian coffee machine, manometer Keripar, Hungarian coffee machine

Gábor explained the origin of Keripar meaning “KEReskedelmi és vendéglatoIPARi in Hungarian, or simply “Trade and Restoration”.

Filling the boiler with a hole at the top and using the funnel supplied by the manufacturer !!!

Keripar, Hungarian coffee machine, manual filling

A most of simple steam wand

Keripar, Hungarian coffee machine

But a group mechanism with locking down position with a beautiful design, beautiful production and beautiful materials. Seems to me more reliable and safer than locking mechanism of Gaggia lever groups.

Keripar, machine a café Hongroise, mécanisme du groupe Keripar, machine a café Hongroise, mécanisme du groupe

An amazing design, under outdated body, and very particular aesthetic of the communist era, hide a heavy steel frame poor quality hand welded. But also a very nice copper boiler, a massive connection of the group and this group also, beautiful workmanship.

  Machine à café Hongroise Keripar, chaudière Keripar, Hungarian coffee machine

Keripar, accouplement groupe chaudière Keripar, boiler group connection

Keripar, Hungarian coffee machine Keripar, Hungarian coffee machine  

Keripar shower screen Keripar, Hungarian coffee machine sleeve

Electric heating, a good quality grade pressure-stat. A safety thermostat too, serious design, mostly high grade.

Keripar, résistance

Keripar, Hungarian coffee machine Keripar, Hungarian coffee machine pressurestat

Simple discovery for the moment, but a pleasure nonetheless. I tried to start it but it leaks everywhere … I‘ll talk when I start its restoration.




Express Augusta


Aesthetic restoration of the element, it won’t heat anything anymore but it was interesting to understand how it worked.

I must confess that I don’t understand everything … of what I see electricity is taken directly to the heating plates, and plunging rods are electrically isolated from the lid of the boiler with porcelain rings and stacks of mica washers. But nothing else, it means that water is at electric potential Or while there was an insulator but I can not find any trace?

Machine à café ancienne Express augusta Machine à café ancienne Machine à café ancienne Machine à café ancienne Machine à café ancienne Machine à café ancienne Machine à café ancienne

I thought it could be interesting to take some pictures of an assembly without dressing her up the old lady. Hoping she will forgive me the following:

The bottom, the basins and depressurization of groups grouped together in the same brass manifold. In the middle the arrival of water filling the boiler.

Machine à café ancienne Machine à café ancienne

Overview :

Machine à café ancienne

Some details :

Machine à café ancienne Machine à café ancienne Machine à café ancienne Machine à café ancienne

Water intake for prebrewing, pipe in the steam for the infusion, and depressurizing at the end of extraction.


An Autumn Weekend


I bought this one a few months ago. The group had been very damaged by a previous owner. So before going home waiting to be completely redone I fully sanded and polished and made ​​rechrome.

One lent to me now an original tool from Faema to remove the sleeve of the group. So I did, cleaned and reassemble.

Original Faema tool to take Marte group sleeve apart Marte group sleeve Chemise de groupe de Mercurio

I snapped on this machine for its architecture. A group of Mercurio with a horizontal boiler is all new to me. And this coupling of the group to the boiler is so awesome

Chaudière Urania 1ere génération The same boiler as on Faema Marte

 I won’t restore it now, I have to finish restoration of the Zenith Express and then to work on Mercurio.  I had this weekend to remove asbestos,  treat rust to stop etc… And in momentum I thought it would be a good idea remove old screws before time makes things worse…

Machine cafe ancienne Machine cafe ancienne Machine à café ancienne Machine à café ancienne Machine à café ancienne Machine à café ancienne Machine à café ancienne Machine cafe ancienne

🙂  One is right… still a lot of work…

But now at home and I love it 🙂

Groupe Urania

Faema Urania

A little shot just before removing Mercurio.

Machines à café anceinnes


Express Augusta


Geez this old coffee machine has given me more work than I would have thought. And also reserved a few nice surprises like the boiler. Very particular these heat pipes therethrough from below upwards. As for driving the energy of the flame gas or charcoal faster and more efficiently in the heart of the water.


It is sanded and there are although good quality of the materials of before.

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I painted after blasting the stove and the iron ring which holds the groups from inside of the tube.

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I get very soon the last things I did rechrome so, to be followed


Visacrem 2000

As told my friend Vincent of Machines.cafeslevier.free.fr I didn’t post any picture of the lever…. mistake now fixed 😉

Visacrem lever

Brasil Datera from the Roaster “Torréfaction Lancelot” at Sciez sur Léman near Geneva France.

22g for this doppio :

Visacrem 2000 expresso Visacrem 2000 coffee

Datera sur Visacrem 2000

Beautiful crema, beautiful aromatic exploration, even if slightly below the Lambro. Nice texture, very nice, even if  a little more hesitant than on the Faema. It is maybe very informative. I’ll have to confirm with more experiments, but the resulting coffee is much akin to what a thermosiphon’s group like e61 can give. Interesting for a group connected to the boiler so that also, conversely, as a thermosiphon group on Faema Lambro is very close for the resulting body of a coupled group.

The rules are made to be contradicted.  ?! 😉


Incredible little machine : Visacrem 2000

This is going for see a machine that I had promised to try to sell for a friend that I fell on it. Besides a large two groups professional drags a small lever machine. A household size with a pro group Italcrem, no need anything more to stir my attention of collector

Visacrem 2000 Visacrem 2000 Visacrem 2000 Visacrem 2000 drip tray

I make some pictures of the Pavoni and begin inspecting the intriguing. Quote, short trading and I’m leaving with.

I did not know what to do. Complete restoration without knowing it more ? And if the cup result is not up to par ? I decided to refurbish it just to remake coffee clean and safe.

Visacrem 2000 made in Barcelona Visacrem 2000 heating element Visacrem 2000 resistance Visacrem 2000 chaudière Visacrem 2000 chaudière Visacrem 2000 bride de groupe joints teflon et vis inox Visacrem 2000 bride de groupe Visacrem 2000 group connection Visacrem 2000 boiler Visacrem 2000 heating element Visacrem 2000

Come back soon with a coffee shot, really surprising this little girl 😉
