…of girls from East.


Found by Vincent, bought and shipped for me by Gábor, here is a beauty that smells good friendship, thank you to both!

Keripar, Hungarian coffee machine Keripar, Hungarian coffee machine Keripar, Hungarian coffee machine, manometer Keripar, Hungarian coffee machine

Gábor explained the origin of Keripar meaning “KEReskedelmi és vendéglatoIPARi in Hungarian, or simply “Trade and Restoration”.

Filling the boiler with a hole at the top and using the funnel supplied by the manufacturer !!!

Keripar, Hungarian coffee machine, manual filling

A most of simple steam wand

Keripar, Hungarian coffee machine

But a group mechanism with locking down position with a beautiful design, beautiful production and beautiful materials. Seems to me more reliable and safer than locking mechanism of Gaggia lever groups.

Keripar, machine a café Hongroise, mécanisme du groupe Keripar, machine a café Hongroise, mécanisme du groupe

An amazing design, under outdated body, and very particular aesthetic of the communist era, hide a heavy steel frame poor quality hand welded. But also a very nice copper boiler, a massive connection of the group and this group also, beautiful workmanship.

  Machine à café Hongroise Keripar, chaudière Keripar, Hungarian coffee machine

Keripar, accouplement groupe chaudière Keripar, boiler group connection

Keripar, Hungarian coffee machine Keripar, Hungarian coffee machine  

Keripar shower screen Keripar, Hungarian coffee machine sleeve

Electric heating, a good quality grade pressure-stat. A safety thermostat too, serious design, mostly high grade.

Keripar, résistance

Keripar, Hungarian coffee machine Keripar, Hungarian coffee machine pressurestat

Simple discovery for the moment, but a pleasure nonetheless. I tried to start it but it leaks everywhere … I‘ll talk when I start its restoration.
