Express Augusta


Geez this old coffee machine has given me more work than I would have thought. And also reserved a few nice surprises like the boiler. Very particular these heat pipes therethrough from below upwards. As for driving the energy of the flame gas or charcoal faster and more efficiently in the heart of the water.


It is sanded and there are although good quality of the materials of before.

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I painted after blasting the stove and the iron ring which holds the groups from inside of the tube.

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I get very soon the last things I did rechrome so, to be followed


Visacrem 2000

As told my friend Vincent of I didn’t post any picture of the lever…. mistake now fixed 😉

Visacrem lever

Brasil Datera from the Roaster “Torréfaction Lancelot” at Sciez sur Léman near Geneva France.

22g for this doppio :

Visacrem 2000 expresso Visacrem 2000 coffee

Datera sur Visacrem 2000

Beautiful crema, beautiful aromatic exploration, even if slightly below the Lambro. Nice texture, very nice, even if  a little more hesitant than on the Faema. It is maybe very informative. I’ll have to confirm with more experiments, but the resulting coffee is much akin to what a thermosiphon’s group like e61 can give. Interesting for a group connected to the boiler so that also, conversely, as a thermosiphon group on Faema Lambro is very close for the resulting body of a coupled group.

The rules are made to be contradicted.  ?! 😉


Incredible little machine : Visacrem 2000

This is going for see a machine that I had promised to try to sell for a friend that I fell on it. Besides a large two groups professional drags a small lever machine. A household size with a pro group Italcrem, no need anything more to stir my attention of collector

Visacrem 2000 Visacrem 2000 Visacrem 2000 Visacrem 2000 drip tray

I make some pictures of the Pavoni and begin inspecting the intriguing. Quote, short trading and I’m leaving with.

I did not know what to do. Complete restoration without knowing it more ? And if the cup result is not up to par ? I decided to refurbish it just to remake coffee clean and safe.

Visacrem 2000 made in Barcelona Visacrem 2000 heating element Visacrem 2000 resistance Visacrem 2000 chaudière Visacrem 2000 chaudière Visacrem 2000 bride de groupe joints teflon et vis inox Visacrem 2000 bride de groupe Visacrem 2000 group connection Visacrem 2000 boiler Visacrem 2000 heating element Visacrem 2000

Come back soon with a coffee shot, really surprising this little girl 😉


Express Augusta


A few pics. Lot of rust, brass oxidation. Asbestos, but luckily everything came without any breaks.

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Some original stuff, this is a pot, it was set there a small mobile gas burner but it was also possible to burn coal (and other?). Was fed by two small doors at the bottom of the device.

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A finally quite small boiler, fully coated with a mixture of plaster and asbestos.


Oh surprise ! An heating element… 


False joy…. this one won’t heat nothing more… 🙂




Express Augusta

Hi all,

A wonderful machine.

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Chromes are splendid, but unfortunately also very stung, I must refurbish most. Original screws were not of a great quality, everything’s very rusted. Basis of the machine is done of a heavy brass piece, same for the groups, a beautiful quality of manufacture.

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I have started to take it apart, a bit different of an espresso coffee machine, I come back as soon as I’ll have sorted my pictures.


Faema Mercurio first generation, finished…

Faema Mercurio first generation

My chrome plater had some problems, 6 weeks late in work. But it’s now finished.

A so beautiful machine this Mercurio, one of my 5 prefered machines that’s sure.

This French made group was so beautiful one wonder why Faema didn’t continue to produce it. Saturated design was there but they decided to stop. When we know how few years later saturated groups will be the most appreciated like with La Marzocco !…

faema mercurio first generation

faema mercurio first generation

faema mercurio first generation

faema mercurio first generation

faema mercurio first generation

faema mercurio first generation

faema mercurio first generation

faema mercurio first generation

faema mercurio first generation

faema mercurio first generation
