Something new under the sun
And not all good news …
At 11am this morning I had an appointment to solder the two small cracks in the boiler. At 15.30 I’ll get it back. The welder had two beautiful welds and the boiler was waiting in a corner of the workshop I came to retrieve it. I look at some work that was done and found that stainless steel has again cracked right next to the welds.
It was decided to take the bull by the horns, we conclude that we must weld a sheet of stainless steel across the weakened area to stop the progression of the disease, engagement took to 17.30.
At the appointed hour the professional get me back the tank at home, he really did a great job. But …. the disease is higher than expected, it still cracked side 🙁
It is still a new soldering iron next to the one already placed and I get the boiler tomorrow. I hope it’s going to blow it go because it’s the bottom of the boiler which has been mended.
I do not know exactly what to think about, a friend told me this morning the risks of poor grounding resistance and the risk of drilling tanks it is. I feel that there has been a long and bloody process of electrolysis, which attacked the metal gradually over the entire area below the item.
Nothing to worry too much though, the machine arrived there after almost 20 years of operation, with the thickness of sheet metal that is added with the welder, it should move at least 20 years again.